Traumatic Brain Injury and Concussion
About 150 Americans die every day from TBI-related injuries. A TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) is a disruption in the normal function of the brain that can be caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head, or penetrating head injury. A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that results in rapid back and forth movements of the brain inside the head.
Our work at the research center is aimed at understanding how the brain changes in the context of traumatic injuries and what treatments might improve outcomes for these individuals.
We have assembled a team of doctors, specialists, and students to work together and answer critical questions relative to TBI.
Our work involves innovative technology, and will lead to improved treatment of TBI & Concussion.
Our efforts with professionals at the University of Utah and around the globe gives us unique opportunities to collaborate and share information.
As an Imaging Core for many studies, we collect, analyze and distribute data for multiple research sites around the country.

Center Directors
Dr. Elisabeth Wilde is an Associate Professor in the Department of Neurology at the University of Utah. She also holds an appointment as a Health Research Scientist in the US Veterans Affairs Health System (VA Salt Lake City Healthcare System). Her research interests include the use of advanced forms of neuroimaging to enhance diagnosis and prognosis, monitor recovery and neurodegeneration, evaluate the efficacy of therapeutic intervention, and elucidate aspects of neuroplasticity in traumatic brain injury.
Lisa A. Wilde
Dr. David Tate is a clinical neuropsychologist trained at Brigham Young University and Brown Medical School in Providence, Rhode Island. Dr. Tate has held faculty appointments at Brown University, Harvard Medical School, and University of Missouri-St. Louis. Dr. Tate has an active funded research program that explores the biological and cognitive benefits of cognitive rehabilitation treatments for service members with a traumatic brain injury.
David F. Tate
Dr. Dennis completed her Neuroscience PhD at the University of California, Los Angeles in 2013 focusing on structural connectivity across development with Dr. Paul Thompson. Her postdoctoral work first at University of Southern California and then Brigham & Women’s Hospital focuses on the effect of traumatic brain injury (TBI) on brain structure and connectivity. With her background in developmental neuroscience, Dr. Dennis primarily focuses on pediatric brain injury, but she also studies military brain injury and sports concussion.
Emily L. Dennis
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Meet some of our team

Tracy Abildskov
Lab Manager

Elizabeth Hovenden
Research Assistant

Chris Finuf

Paula Johnson