Initial interview:

We will first determine if you are eligible to participate in the project. You will be asked some questions about your age, gender, race/ethnicity, handedness, and medical history. We will also ask some general questions to determine whether you can safely and comfortably have an MRI. This interview will take 10-15 minutes, and can be conducted over the phone. 


If you are eligible, you will be asked to take some standardized tests of your thinking abilities. These will include tests of attention, information processing, learning and memory, and similar tasks. Some of these tests are paper and pencil tests and some will be administered on an iPad. You will also be asked complete questionnaires and answer questions about different symptoms. All together, these tests will take approximately 2 hours. You may ask for breaks if needed. If you continue to be eligible for participation in this project, you will be asked to participate in the MRI.   

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

After the cognitive tests, you will be asked to have an MRI at the site. A clinical coordinator will take you to the MRI unit for the scan and ask you to complete an MRI Safety Form. The MRI Safety Form will help us decide if an MRI is safe for you. (For example, if you may be pregnant or have metal devices in or around your body, it is not safe to have an MRI.)
MRI creates images of the brain from magnetic signals. It does not use radiation. The MRI scan involves lying still on a table that moves into a hollow machine (the magnet) to create the images. This examination takes about 90 minutes.  


Neither you nor your insurance company will be charged for any test or visit that is solely for the purpose of this study. You will be paid $25 for the initial screening assessment and an additional $125 for the assessment and MRI portions of the study if you are eligible. You will receive a check approximately 2 weeks after participation.

If you are interested in participating
please contact us at: