Current Projects
ENIGMA stands for Enhancing Neuro Imaging Genetics through Meta Analysis.
The ENIGMA project is a worldwide consortium of scientists dedicated to the studying and researching the structure of the brain.
The ENIGMA consortium is developing a free online course in science literacy, neuroimaging, statistics, and neuropsychology for high schoolers and college students interested in a neuroscience career. Anyone with internet access can sign up and complete the modules at their own pace. The course should be complete by the end of 2022.
Pediatric Cancer
Most children in the US who are diagnosed with cancer will survive. However, current radiation treatments for brain tumors can lead to long-term cognitive impairments. How can we treat brain tumors while leaving healthy tissue intact?
HDFT (High Definition Fiber Tractography)
HDFT addresses two of the main problems in Traumatic Brain Injury imaging. First, the interconnected structure of the brain makes it difficult to identify the injured area. Second, the brain’s folds and crevices are resistant to imaging techniques that work in other parts of the body.
HDFT provides the solution to these problems.
The DTI Phantom Project utilizes cutting edge technology to enhance our ability to take measures of the brain during MRI. Additionally, DTI makes comparisons and corrections of differences between scanners; potentially allowing for additional accuracy in data gathered from different scanners.

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) impacts 180 per 100,000 children per year. Our lab has found that TBI can have serious long-term consequences on how children learn, play, and adapt to daily life. We are tracking brain activity in children to learn more about how TBI changes the brain.
Combat and repetitive blast exposure can cause mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) for military service members. The Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium (CENC) is a research association funded by the Department of Defense and
Veterans’ Association (VA) dedicated to researching military-related mTBI. The LIMBIC-CENC team focuses on the long term effects of mTBI on veterans and those currently serving. Currently, LIMBIC-CENC is:
This information will help us develop better support systems and long term solutions.